Big Foot Real or Fake?
My Dad use to take me, George and my younger brother Steve hunting for honeycomb mushrooms every year when they were in season.
I was a big storyteller as a boy. I was known to tell wild stories, and flat out lies up until I was about 9 years old. Then all that stopped.
I became instantly known from then on as a very honest boy, always telling the truth even if it meant I would get in trouble for being truthful.
Why did I all of a sudden start being truthful you ask?
I will tell you. One day when me, my Dad, and my brother were out hunting for mushrooms. We were walking in the woods near the Anderson River Park in Anderson California, just on the other side of the river from the park. (I was about 9 years old, so my brother was about 7).
We were walking along looking for mushrooms as usual when I noticed a real stinky smell, then I felt a presence. And a little later I told my Dad something like,"this is very strange I don't here any birds or squirrels like we normally do."
The next thing I noticed was a huge black figure following us. It was running from tree to tree watching us.
I was terrified!
I screamed "Dad! Dad! there is a monster following us. It's running from tree to tree"; and then, "look there it is."
He didn't believe me, but I kept screaming it over and over like I never screamed before. I was scaring my little brother and we were both crying and yelling, and I yelled "I want to go home," when we normally enjoyed this mushroom hunting. But we had to go home early this day for all the crying.
What I saw was a large creature about 9 feet tall, harry, and built like a muscular gorilla as I remember very clearly. I will never forget it.
From that time on I didn't tell wild stories anymore. I was afraid that nobody would believe me when I was telling the truth. Like I was this time.
I didn't even know what a big foot was then. I had never heard of a big foot.
Then one day I was watching T.V. with my family. I was about 11 years old at this time. A show was on that showed a video that is now famous showing what is purported to be real footage of big foot.
This video is can be found here:
This is exactly what I saw.
I jumped up pointed to the T.V. and shouted "that's what I saw, that's what I saw following us in the forest when we were hunting mushrooms!"
I have told this story since I have been grown up a few times, and it seems that though many are still skeptical. I am comforted that some people finally may believe me.
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